m. 3 Jun 1856
Birth |
Abt 1812 |
Sheffield, , Yorkshire, England  |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Burial |
Marriage |
3 Jun 1856 [1, 2] |
St Guthlac, Crowle, , Lincolnshire, England [1, 2]  |
Other Spouse |
Unknown | F7793 |
Marriage |
Father |
Gregory, George | F7794 Group Sheet |
Mother |
Birth |
1825 |
Crowle, , Lincolnshire, England  |
Christening |
17 Apr 1825 |
St Oswald's Parish Church, Crowle, , Lincolnshire, England  |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Burial |
Father |
Maw, John | F404 Group Sheet |
Mother |
Glew, Ann | F404 Group Sheet |
Sources |
- [S103] The home of U.K. Parish Register Information, (http://www.freereg.org.uk/) (Reliability: 3).
County Lincolnshire Place Crowle Church St Guthlac RegisterNumber 366 MarriageDate 03 Jun 1856 GroomForename Samuel GroomSurname GREGORY GroomAge 44 GroomParish GroomCondition Widower GroomOccupation Grocer GroomAbode Sheffield BrideForename Ann BrideSurname MAW BrideAge 28 BrideParish BrideCondition Spinster BrideOccupation BrideAbode Crowle GroomFatherForename George GroomFatherSurname GREGORY GroomFatherOccupation Clerk in Merchant Office BrideFatherForename John BrideFatherSurname MAW BrideFatherOccupation ? WitnessOneForename Simon WitnessOneSurname MAW WitnessTwoForename Betsy WitnessTwoSurname MAW Notes By Licence Bride Father OCC too faint unredable FileNumber 10974
- [S118] England and Wales, Civil Registration Index: 1837-1983, (FreeBMD. England and Wales, Civil Registration Index: 1837-1983. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Microfilm and microfiche of the England and Wales, Civil Registration Indexes created by the General Register Office, in London, England.), GRO Reference - District Thorne - Volume 9c Page 559 (Reliability: 3).