Cemetery, Staincross, Staincross, Yorkshire, England

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Latitude: 53.588620258118155, Longitude: -1.499531865119934 | Click to get directions to Cemetery, Staincross
Cemetery, Staincross


St. John the Evangelist Churchyard
Barnsley, Metropolitan Borough of Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 6GU England

All Burials - Cemetery, Staincross, , Yorkshire, England

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Johnson, Rhoda   5 Jan 1891  Mapplewell, , Yorkshire, England  15 Aug 1959  District Staincross  Aug 1959 I42755
2. Shaw, Joseph   6 Sep 1861  Woolley, , Yorkshire, England  Oct 1944  Staincross, , Yorkshire, England  3 Nov 1944 I42747
3. Wigglesworth, Rachel   20 May 1861  Darton, , Yorkshire, England  5 Mar 1940  District Staincross  Mar 1940 I12853