Moorgate Cemetery, Rotherham, Rotherham, Yorkshire, England

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Latitude: 53.4204156, Longitude: -1.3538026 | Click to get directions to Moorgate Cemetery, Rotherham
Moorgate Cemetery, Rotherham


Moorgate Cemetery
Boston Castle Grove
Rotherham, Metropolitan Borough of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 2BA England

Cemetery notes and/or description:
Following outbreaks of cholera in Rotherham in the early and mid 19th century, which had caused hundreds of deaths in the town, it was becoming clear that Rotherham would soon need a new burial ground. The old church yard at Rotherham Parish Church [All Saints ]was overflowing with half buried bodies and there was no room for expansion around the church for further burials. Medical students from nearby Sheffield were taking advantage of the dreadful situation by stealing bodies for research purposes.Members of the established church were buried in consecrated ground whilst many churchyards had an unconsecrated area off to one side where unbaptised babies and Non-Anglicans were interred. The churchyard was closed to further burials in 1854 and for some time the graves had been re-used every nine years or so.A company of shareholders established the Rotherham General Cemetery Company which opened in 1841. It comprised about 2 acres of land on what used to be the town moor at the back of Boston Castle.The graveyard was for the use of Non-conformists, but was partly consecrated in 1846 for the use of members of the established church. It was sold to Rotherham Burial Board in November 1855 and was extended in 1869, again in 1887 and for a third time in the 20th Century.There are 85 wargraves here. [text adapted from multiple sources and added by Geoffrey Gillon]

All Burials - Moorgate Cemetery, Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Barber, Annie   3 Jul 1869  Susworth, , Lincolnshire, England  7 Sep 1942  Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  10 Sep 1942 I9039
2. Fox, Octavius   Abt 1835  Cleatham, , Lincolnshire, England  Bet Nov and Dec 1920  District Rotherham  4 Dec 1920 I20660
3. Kennington, George   Bet Jan and Mar 1863  South Kelsey, , Lincolnshire, England  Dec 1938  Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  31 Dec 1938 I48887
4. Kirk, Richard   Jul 1937  District Rotherham  Jul 1937  Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  28 Jul 1937 I7422
5. Kirk, Thomas Charles   28 Oct 1876  Rawmarsh, , Yorkshire, England  Jun 1951  District Rotherham  16 Jun 1951 I63700
6. Maw, Edith Annie   15 Jun 1888  16 William Street, Sheffield, , Yorkshire, England  22 Jul 1947  23 Broom Lane, Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  25 Jul 1947 I4555
7. Maw, Frederick   30 May 1903  7 Quarry Hill, Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  Aug 1904  Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  20 Aug 1904 I14365
8. Maw, Mabel Elsie   4 Mar 1891  24 Pembroke Street, Ecclesall Bierlow, , Yorkshire, England  20 Feb 1951  Ledsham House, 23 Broom Lane, Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  23 Feb 1951 I4556
9. Maw, Robert John Francis   Abt 1857-1859  USA  8 Nov 1932  Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  12 Nov 1932 I9038
10. Maw, Walter   22 Dec 1864  Oughtibridge, , Yorkshire, England  10 Jun 1945  Ledsham House, 23 Broom Lane, Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  13 Jun 1945 I4553
11. Stocker, Elizabeth Emily   3 Sep 1881  Basingstoke, , Hampshire, England  May 1943  Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  27 May 1943 I16320
12. West, Mary Ann   Bet Jan and Mar 1861  Loughborough, , Leicestershire, England  Apr 1931  Rotherham, , Yorkshire, England  7 Apr 1931 I48888