Hanwell Cemetery, Hanwell, London, England

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Latitude: 51.50742959999999, Longitude: -0.33114100000000235 | Click to get directions to Hanwell Cemetery
Hanwell Cemetery


Hanwell Cemetery
Also known as: City of Westminster Cemetery

38 Uxbridge Road
London Borough of Ealing
Greater London England
Postal Code: W7 3PP

Formerly City of Westminster Cemetery,it is entirely separate from the Hanwell Cemetery at 31 Uxbridge Road.
The cemetery is on the South side of the Uxbridge Road, at Hanwell, opposite Kensington Cemetery. It belongs to the City of Westminster which operates three cemeteries situated outside the borough. The Parks Client team manages the service which is contracted to Continental Landscapes Limited.
Originally called 'City of Westminster Cemetery', this cemetery was owned and managed by the original City of Westminster before local government reorganization in 1965.

All Burials - Hanwell Cemetery, Hanwell, , London, England

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Emmott, Alfred   8 May 1858  Oldham, , Lancashire, England  13 Dec 1926  Ennismore Gardens, Westminster, , London, England  15 Dec 1926 I46170
2. Maw, Emily Florence   Jan-Mar 1894  District Kensington  Jun 1896  8 Gadesden Mews, Kensington, London, , England  6 Jun 1896 I15459
3. Maw, Frances Eveline   Bet Jan and Mar 1899  District Fulham  Nov 1900  2 Edinburgh Mansions, Westminster, London, , England  28 Nov 1900 I15300
4. Maw, Harriet Annie   Jan-Mar 1896  District Kensington  Jan 1897  8 Gadesden Mews, Kensington, London, , England  29 Jan 1897 I15307
5. Maw, Henry   24 Apr 1834  Marylebone, , Middlesex, England  Aug 1893  8 Moore's Buildings, St George, Hanover Sq, , London, England  26 Aug 1893 I7082
6. Maw, William Edward   9 Apr 1893  21 Glasgow Terrace, Pimlico, , Middlesex, England  May 1893  Belgrave Hospital, Pimlico, , Middlesex, England  12 May 1893 I7682