South Ealing Cemetery, Ealing, Ealing, London, England

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Latitude: 51.49703, Longitude: -0.30121 | Click to get directions to South Ealing Cemetery, Ealing
South Ealing Cemetery, Ealing


South Ealing Cemetery
Also known as Ealing and Old Brentford Cemetery

South Ealing Road
Ealing, London Borough of Ealing, Greater London, W5 England

The Cemetery was opened in 1861 by the Ealing and Old Brentford Burial Board, which had been formed in 1858 when burial space in the parish churchyard was running out. The cemetery covers 21 acres. The cemetery is now closed to new burials, and only used for burials in re-opened family owned graves.

All Burials - South Ealing Cemetery, Ealing, , Middlesex, England

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Clement, Alice Ellen   Oct 1855  Crayford, , Kent, England  29 Dec 1936  Ealing, , Middlesex, England  Dec 1936 I67209
2. Copestake, William Robert   22 Sep 1856  District Greenwich  14 Feb 1950  District Ealing  Feb 1950 I67208