Title |
Westminster Burials Transcription |
Short Title |
Westminster Burials Transcription |
Author |
Westminster Archives |
Publisher |
About Westminster Burials
Explore almost 1.6 million burial records, unique to Findmypast, and discover your English ancestor buried in Westminster. There are thousands of records from parishes across Westminster. By finding a burial record and attaching it to your family tree, you can complete your ancestor’s story.
Each record provides an image of the original register held by the City of Westminster Archives Centre and a transcript of the vital information found in the register. The details in each vary for a number of reasons: the age of the register, how much was known about the deceased person and the physical condition of the register. Most transcripts will include a combination of the following details.
Age – this is the individual’s age at the time of death. In some cases, the person’s age would have been estimated. An incorrect estimation would result in an incorrect birth year.
Birth year
Death date
Burial date
In some records, the images can hold additional information about your ancestor. The records come from various types of burial records such as cremation records, burial blot books and parish burial registers. Other details you may discover about your ancestor include
Cost of burial
Location of interment
Date of cremation
Whether buried in consecrated or unconsecrated ground. |
Source ID |
S593 |
Linked to (37) |
Brown, Sarah
Kinnersley, Fanny
Maw, Charlotte
Maw, Emily Florence
Maw, Emma
Maw, Esther
Maw, Frances Eveline
Maw, George
Maw, George
Maw, Harriet Annie
Maw, Harriett
Maw, Henry
Maw, James
Maw, John
Maw, John
Maw, John
Maw, John
Maw, Lydia
Maw, Magdalen
Maw, Mary
Maw, Mary
Maw, Mary
Maw, Morris
Maw, Nichodemus
Maw, Sarah
Maw, Sarah
Maw, Thomas
Maw, Thomas
Maw, Thomas
Maw, William Edward
Mawe, Edmund Jones
Mawe, Emily Jane
Mawe, Joseph James
Mawe, Robert
Moore, John
Mow, Robert
Tatlow, John St Mawe |