Van Keer, Josina

Female 1690 - 1694  (4 years)  

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 20 May 1690—20 May 1690: England passes Act of Grace, forgiving Roman Catholic followers of James II
  • 1692—1692: Land Tax introduced - originally designed as an annual tax on personal estate, public offices and land. For practical purposes, however, assessors tended to avoid assessing items of wealth other than landed property so that it became known as the Land Tax.
  • 1692—1692: French intention to invade England came to nothing
  • 13 Feb 1692—13 Feb 1692: The massacre of Glencoe - Clan Campbell sides with King William and murders members of Clan McDonald
  • 4 Aug 1693—4 Aug 1693: Date traditionally ascribed to Dom Pierre P?rignon 's invention of Champagne
  • 1694—1694: National Debt came into effect in England
  • 1694—1694: Stamp Duties introduced into Britain from Holland
  • 1694—1694: Mary II death leaves William III as sole ruler
  • 1694—1694: Triennial Act, new Parliamentary elections every three years
  • 1694—1694: Scotland: Poll Tax imposed on all over sixteen, except the destitute and insane (-1699)
  • 27 Jul 1694—27 Jul 1694: Bank of England founded by William Paterson (a Scot)